Often, when thinking about orthodontics, the focus is on straightening the teeth of young teens. However, adult orthodontics is a beneficial treatment option as well. This dental care provides an opportunity for you to have the teeth you’ve longed to have. There can also be some dental health benefits to using these orthodontic services as well. At Splendid Dental Atascocita, we are happy to provide a consultation to determine if this is the best choice for your needs.
What Are Adult Orthodontics Able to Do?
The benefit of orthodontics is to improve the alignment of the teeth and jaw. This treatment can create several benefits, including straightening the teeth for a more aesthetically pleasing look. Some people may have significant concerns, and a limited amount of improvement is possible. It is an excellent idea to talk with your orthodontist to find out what you can do.
What Are the Benefits of Teeth Straightening for Adults?
Having a perfectly aligned set of teeth is not just something to improve the way your smile looks. While that is one of the biggest reasons people do it, there are other benefits as well, including these three:
- Improve teeth function: When your teeth are correctly aligned, your jaw fits together properly. That means you can chew and bite properly. It can also minimize the risk of developing problems with grinding or TMJ.
- Get the smile you desire: Straight teeth can impact the way you smile. Some people will smile more and be more open to social interactions when they smile. They are confident in showcasing to the world. In other cases, you may want to know your smile is just right.
- Reduce the risk of early decay: If your teeth overlap or crowd in on each other, that can cause an increased risk of tooth decay. That’s because it is harder to brush around these areas and more likely that bacteria will grow and flourish in these spaces.
When it comes to improving your smile, adult orthodontics may be the right choice for you. It is best to speak to your orthodontist as soon as possible. Your dentist can provide more insight into what you can expect from a procedure like this and determine whether you’re a suitable candidate for orthodontics. At Splendid Dental Atascotia, we’re committed to providing orthodontic treatments to teens and adults of all ages.
How Does the Process of Orthodontics Get Started?
If you are interested in improving your smile, schedule a consultation with our team today. Our dental specialists and orthodontics team will meet with you to complete an initial assessment. Using x-rays and a visual exam, we can point out any of the needs you may have. We offer comprehensive dental services at our location. That means you can find a wide range of helpful answers to your questions when you visit us.
Don’t worry if you are unsure if this is the right option for you. We are happy to take into consideration all of your needs and offer recommendations as well. Check out all of the services we provide at Splendid Dental Atascocita, such as:
- General dentistry needs
- Cosmetic dentistry needs
- Pediatric dentistry
- Periodontal disease treatment
- Orthodontics
- Dentures and implants
Call Splendid Dental Atascocita
Adult orthodontics are an effective treatment option, and they’re safe to use. If you do not like the way your teeth look and are ready for a change, let us help you. To find out if these services are right for you, schedule a consultation with Splendid Dental Atascocita today. You can call us at 713-244-7790 or connect with us online for an appointment.